Home > Appointments
To make an appointment or learn how we can help
Conversing with you first helps us to determine if our services are a right fit for you so our preferred method of contact is by phone. If we don’t answer during business hours, we are most likely in treatment with another patient. Please leave a message with our answering service or email us. We have great turnaround time and aim to return correspondence within the hour.
To ensure efficient communication, we advise confirming an available window in your message. i.e: “I’d like to schedule for this Tuesday the 14th between 2:00pm-4:00pm.”
Contact Info
Phone: 203-635-5151
Email: [email protected]
Please call or email to inquire about pricing and hours of operation.
Noa Health and Acupuncture LLC
37 Franklin Street, Suite 1 Westport, CT. 06880
New Patient Intake
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